Oregano - Plectranthus Amboinicus

Daun  Bangun-Bangun - Oregano
After visiting Bangchik & Kakdah blog today only I knew this plant called Oregano, in kelantan my late FIL called it Pokok Ati - or Bangun Bangun. Abah gave the plant for us to grow it in the pot just for an emergency if my kids have bad cough (normally with flam). Sometimes I boiled few leaves with "gula batu" (rock candy?) to cure them. This oregano have its own smell which sometime I quite kind of not "liking" it. But anyway for the sake of medication just keep it grow. This tree need lot of sun exposure. Normally I will cut the woody (old) stem and plant it back to the pot. The new leaves will come out within a few weeks. Its very easy to plant it

Few months ago a neighbour (old chinese lady) passed away, this plant is outside of the house. Nobody live in the house but her son (stay nearby) keep coming and I asked if I could keep the plant, he then gave away the whole pot to me..hehe oh oh together with the aloe vera plant (very big!) - i always dream to plant aloe vera..now it's mine!
Aloe Vera


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